【Open for Registration】AECOM Forum︱Building a Low-Carbon and Resilient Taiwan - Governance of a Net-Zero City and Application of Digital Technologies

2024-03-20 13:40 2024-03-20 17:30
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2024/03/20 13:40-17:30


TaiNEX 2, Room 703



With the intention of delivering a better world, AECOM has embedded the spirit of sustainability in every aspect of our work. Through our Sustainable Legacies strategy, we apply digital technologies to keep on pursuing innovation and lead the industry in outlining the blueprint for Taiwan’s sustainable development.

In 2024 Smart City Summit & Expo, AECOM hosts a forum under the theme “Building a Low-Carbon and Resilient Taiwan: Governance of a Net-Zero City and Application of Digital Technologies”. With participation of the experts from National Land Management Agency, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, ST Engineering Info-Security, Taiwanese Institute of Built Environment Lifecycle Management, and our colleagues from Building + Places, Digital, and Transportation, the event aims to address the status, challenges, and trends that a city will face on the path towards sustainability from the perspectives of academia, private, and public sectors.

The forum features 2 panels, “Digital Pathway to Net-Zero City” and “Innovative Technologies for a Smarter and Greener Taiwan”, With 7 session speakers and 2 moderators leading the discussion, the audience will gain insight into how Taiwan can realize its vision for sustainability. Through this event, we aspire to deliver a sustainable and resilient future of Taiwan by sharing the expertise and vision of the speakers while driving transformation in the sector with digital solution.


Ming Teh Wang
President, Taiwanese Institute of Built Environment Lifecycle Managemen
Founder, Taiwan BIM Technology
Hubert Heng
Director, Transport Cyber Security/ Division Manager
ICS/OT Cyber Security, ST Engineering Info-Security
Shang Hsien Hsieh
National Taiwan University
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Chuin Shan Chen
National Taiwan University
Distinguished Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Shu Chuan Tseng
National Land Management Office, Ministry of the Interior
Team Leader, Sewer Engineering Office
Len Ren Lee
Vice President / Director of Master Planning, AECOM Asia
Thomson Lai
Regional Digital Lead
Argoon Chuang
Executive Director, Digital Consulting
Holing Chang
Director, Building+Places, AECOM Taiwan
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University
Brook Weng
AECOM Taiwan
Associate Director, Transportation


13:40 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:05


14:05 - 14:20

Pathway to a Low-carbon and Resilient City


President, Taiwanese Institute of Built Environment Lifecycle Management and Founder, Taiwan BIM Technology
Ming Teh Wang

14:20 - 15:45

Panel 1: Digital Pathway to Net-Zero City


Focus on methodology/mindset which will facilitate the transformation toward net-zero

14:20 - 14:40

Digital Governance of Net Zero Cities


Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
Shang Hsien Hsieh

14:40 - 15:00

Net-Zero Actions of Sewage System


Team Leader, Sewer Engineering Office, National Land Management Office, Ministry of the Interior
Shu Chuan Tseng

15:00 - 15:20

Innovation as a Service;Optioneering as the Key


Director, Building+Places, Taiwan, AECOM
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University
Holing Chang

15:20 - 15:45

Panel Discussion


Ming Teh Wang President, Taiwanese Institute of Built Environment Lifecycle Management
Founder, Taiwan BIM Technology

15:45 - 16:05


16:05 - 17:30

Panel 2: Innovative Technologies for a Smarter and Greener Taiwan


Focus on Technical Solutions for smarter/greener Taiwan

16:05 - 16:20

Creating a Sustainable Future with Digital Cities


Executive Director, Digital Consulting, Asia, AECOM
Argoon Chuang

16:20 - 16:35

Development of Smart & Sustainable Transport


Associate Director, Transportation, Taiwan, AECOM
Brook Weng

16:35 - 16:50

Pragmatic approach to OT Cybersecurity


Director Transport Cyber Security/ Division Manager ICS/OT Cyber Security, ST Engineering Info-Security
Hubert Heng

16:50 - 17:05

Accelerating a Greener Society with Artificial Intelligence


Distinguished Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chuin Shan Chen

17:05 - 17:30

Panel Discussion


Len Ren Lee Vice President
Director of Master Planning, AECOM Asia





ST Engineering Info-Security Pte. Ltd.

NTU BIM Center

Taiwanese Institute of Built Environment Lifecycle Management

Taiwan BIM Technology