Chiayi City Police Bureau

Chiayi City Police Bureau

Chiayi City Police Bureau aims to realize the vision of building a safe and pleasant city in line with the SDGs and Taiwan’s 2050 Net-Zero Emissions target by utilizing forward-looking technologies such as smart networking, 5G mobile broadband, big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Combining with regional revitalization and incorporating local resources, our bureau has also cooperated with Wufeng University and Senfei Software Limited Company, together we developed the nation’s first “Smart Patrol Routes Decision-making System”, in which the decision-making is assisted by objective data and scientific evidence-based methods. It helps to plan the patrol routes that reflect the public’s needs and the current traffic and security situation in real time. Enforcing the law effectively and maintain traffic and public safety.

Chia-E Smart Patrol Car

Solution Description

Smart Governance

“Chia-E Smart Patrol Car” utilizes AI image recognition and mobile edge computing technology to automatically compare license plate recognition results with stolen vehicles’ blacklist in real-time. If a match is found, patrol officers will be notified immediately by voice warning, so that they can stop the vehicle for investigation. By implementing technology, “Chia-E Smart Patrol Car” can improve the efficiency of investigation, maintain public safety, and maximize the effectiveness of patrolling.




Smart Patrol Routes System
Chiayi City Police Bureau
Chiayi City Police Bureau
1.64k    1
Smart Governance
Smart Patrol Routes System
With the NFC technology of the Internet of Things, the” Chia-E Patrol & Sign” APP was created by bringing together the nation’s first "Smart Patrol Box" and 5G police mobile device.” It is able to find patrol blind spots, high-risk hotspots, and key time zones for duty, and so on by collecting real-time patrol data, further integrated and analyzed within the big policing data. Moreover, the system can automatically plan the best patrol route, and precisely deploy police force to public security and traffic hotspots by using AI data modeling, developing decision-making models and providing decision-making suggested values for task planning. Meanwhile, the nation’s original real-time intelligence push notification service helps the patrol officers stay on top of the surrounding conditions of the patrol box and the duty priorities, in order to prevent cases of traffic and public security disturbances.
Digital Governance Solution for Traffic Accidents Prevention
Chiayi City Police Bureau
Chiayi City Police Bureau
840    1
Smart Governance
Digital Governance Solution for Traffic Accidents Prevention
This project uses the 阡陌(QianMo) System, which drawing the road profiles, markings, signs, and signals based on the road geography data as a universal base map, to integrate cross-domain digital applications. Besides, 阡陌(QianMo) System has developed an application on mobile phone, through this application, user can complete the case opening, drawing, conversation recording, and photo-taking operations on-site, and convert the accident cases into collision elements in accordance with time, vehicle type, direction, collision type, and number of casualties. On the other hands, when handling improvements for accident-prone intersections, 阡陌(QianMo) System can overlay the elements to implement the collision composition analysis serves as a scientific proof and visualization tool for researching traffic improvement measures and explaining accident risk hotspots. Besides, after the subsequent engineering improvements, user can provide revision of road geography data as the feedback. Through this mechanism, which can achieve a digital governance cycle. Finally, through 阡陌(QianMo) System , this project integrates cross-domain applications related to police administration, transportation bureau, and engineering industry to improve driving environments and prevent traffic accidents.