Chiayi City Police Bureau
Chiayi City Police Bureau aims to realize the vision of building a safe and pleasant city in line with the SDGs and Taiwan’s 2050 Net-Zero Emissions target by utilizing forward-looking technologies such as smart networking, 5G mobile broadband, big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Combining with regional revitalization and incorporating local resources, our bureau has also cooperated with Wufeng University and Senfei Software Limited Company, together we developed the nation’s first “Smart Patrol Routes Decision-making System”, in which the decision-making is assisted by objective data and scientific evidence-based methods. It helps to plan the patrol routes that reflect the public’s needs and the current traffic and security situation in real time. Enforcing the law effectively and maintain traffic and public safety.
Chia-E Smart Patrol Car
Solution Description
“Chia-E Smart Patrol Car” utilizes AI image recognition and mobile edge computing technology to automatically compare license plate recognition results with stolen vehicles’ blacklist in real-time. If a match is found, patrol officers will be notified immediately by voice warning, so that they can stop the vehicle for investigation. By implementing technology, “Chia-E Smart Patrol Car” can improve the efficiency of investigation, maintain public safety, and maximize the effectiveness of patrolling.