Taiwan RedEye Biomedical Inc., founded in 2017, is a team with optical expertise. RedEye is committed to providing health care for modern humans, specializing in detecting early symptoms with a straightforward and accurate detection method that can be used in a home setting. Instead of relying on traditional immunochemical detection, RedEye utilizes spectral analysis to reduce false negatives and offer a convenient and dependable approach.
Main products of Taiwan RedEye Biomedical include urinal inspection for human and pets, water and oil inspection for food safety, and low-level laser therapy apparatus for pain relief. The goal is to realize precision health and home-based medical care, letting people take care of their health conditions in real time and implement rehab at anytime and anywhere, and enjoy good quality of life.
Solution Description
High uric acid has become the fourth highest after the three highs, and it has begun to trend younger. If uric acid rises, the body will suffer. RedEye's urine uric acid detection technology has been published in international academic journals and cited in many documents.
This allows us to get the test results at home, without needles, in just 3 seconds.
Pay attention to uric acid every day to keep us away from the risk of gout.