InSynerger Technology Co., Ltd.
We provide one-stop-sevice with our InSynerger AIoT Platform by conducting over 400 network connection device and over 15 solutions combined with high performance on cloud application platform, and conduct data analysis to assist our customer to save energy and progress the efficiency and product in factory intellectualization.
InSynerger wins over 20 prizes in domestic and abroad, and introduce our service to over 500 fields in global. We are the first team who wins R&D100 with our software and solutions. We are the certificated company of automation service organizations and the energy of artificial intelligence technology service organizations as well as the cooperation partner of Intel MRS Program and Microsoft AI 100.
We introduce our situation room for company to campuses, assist the campus to save energy and built intellectualized environment. We’d like to apply ourselves to the innovation of smart city by developing the efficiency of energy management in campus everywhere.
Smart Street Lighting System
Solution Description
Smart Street Lighting System Solution helps administrator to control the status of street lighting operation through the monitoring system and connect with the cloud platform to conduct real-time or scheduled switch on/off and dimming control settings according to weather or temporary needs. Also, it can be diagnosed the failure of street lighting and the system can be automatically repaired through the electricity data analysis. In addition to reducing the cost of manpower inspection, it can also speed up the maintenance to manage street lighting efficiently. InSynerger Smart Street Lighting System Solution provides single light and loop monitoring, wired and wireless Sub G, NB-IoT communication architecture, which can be implemented according to requirements.