CAYIN Technology brightens the world through digital signage
Amidst the age of information revolution, a new medium has emerged- Digital Signage. In 2004, a group of passionate dreamers and engineers combined their faith and creativity to open more possibilities for the digital signage industry, and thus CAYIN Technology was born.
Marked with an ambitious drive, CAYIN Technology dived into the world of precision marketing and multimedia information announcement. Looking to domestic and international technological advancements and combining the newest technology with multimedia players to develop comprehensive digital signage solutions, including diversified media players, content management servers, and advanced management software for monitoring and generating reports.
Flexie Solution
Solution Description
Powerful digital signage server to give you maximum flexibility on the choice of media players!
One for All, All with One
With one CMS-WS, you can transform all your personal computers, notebooks, tablets, mobiles, etc., into digital signage players to strategically deploy customer touchpoints for different applications. Moreover, CMS-WS allows you to remotely manage up to 1000 devices through a simple and easy-to-use web interface.
Small Budget, Big Result
Compared to other cloud-based CMS software, you can spend less but benefit more from CMS-WS software. With CMS-WS powerful features, you can create a more personalized, more informative, and more memorable experience anytime, anywhere to maximize engagement with target audiences. CMS-WS is the most cost-effective solution for retail or small and medium-sized businesses to get big results from a small budget!