Kaohsiung City Government
Kaohsiung is a beautiful harbor city that has been devoted to digital transformation in recent years, aiming to establish Asia Bay as a hub for 5G AIoT industries. This effort has attracted both domestic and international enterprises to settle in the area. Through public-private collaboration, innovative technologies are being practically validated in various fields within Kaohsiung, including transportation, healthcare, agriculture, public safety, firefighting, and smart governance. These achievements have garnered recognition and numerous awards both domestically and internationally.
Kaohsiung is also a crucial industrial city in Taiwan. In response to the global Net-Zero trend, it has embraced digital technology as the foundation for its industry-wide efforts toward achieving Net-Zero emissions. Guided by policies such as the Industrial Net Zero Alliance and local ordinances for Net-Zero city development, Kaohsiung is accelerating its transition towards becoming a Net-Zero city. The first International City COP (Conference of the Parties) will be hosted in Kaohsiung City, inviting cities from around the world to come together, share smart Net-Zero solutions, and collaborate towards achieving the 2050 Net-Zero target.
3D street violence early warning, AI intelligence collection and integration platform.
Solution Description
Criminal and street violence cases will affect and cause panic to citizens. In order to diminish street violence cases, reducing the time to solve these cases, protecting citizens’ lives and properties, and allow citizens to live without fear, the Kaohsiung City Police Department (KCPD) built the “3D Street Violence Early Warning, AI Intelligence Collection and Integration Platform” (hereinafter called “the Platform”). The platform utilizes the Internet of Things (IoT) to combine AI image recognition and sound sensing technologies for cross-domain big data analyses.
KCPD established cross-platform data interfacing and integration, mainly through “data integration” and “network analyses” to collect with the municipal government’s transportation bureaus and social bureaus; and import existing data from the KCPD data platforms. The Platform will, through web service API, (a) retrieve data built by information systems, (b) conduct big data analysis, aggregate applicable intelligence data and present it in the form of dynamic information, (c) Integrate all information and display it as maps and topologies, improve case handling efficiency. According to KCPD employees’ query, they can adjust factor weights and relationships. Analyze the results based on rational mathematical models and professional case-handling concepts, so that intelligence analysis goes beyond the limitations of platform developers and allows criminal police to maximize their capabilities.